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District of Columbia | Maryland | Virginia

For your convenience, I’ve created this DC brunch page so that you can easily access my DC area brunch posts. Occasionally I post about my travel brunch experiences. You can find the complete listing of all of my brunch related blog posts under the FOOD category.


CharmTastic Brunch – Tabard Inn

brunch, Tabard Inn, Tabard Inn brunch

If you are a Washingtonian, you are likely aware that Tabard Inn’s brunch has become a staple of Washington, DC, long holding the coveted spot as the city’s best brunch. So naturally I had to make it the subject of my first DC brunch post. I am a bit ashamed to admit however, that I only recently tried their brunch menu. I know what you are thinking… how can I call myself the Brunch Belle right? But hold up; don’t…

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